
Am I Shadowbanned On Youtube

Is your YouTube suffering from a massive engagement & reach drop? Then you could be suffering from a YouTube Shadowban.

Shadowbans are nothing new to social media. There are Shadowbans on Instagram & Facebook. Up & coming Creators can even get Shadowbanned on TikTok. When it comes to social media platforms nowadays Shadowbans are becoming natural community regulators.

If you're suffering from a YouTube Shadowban or you're looking for ways to prevent getting shadowbanned on Youtube, then this article is for you. Just below we will be uncovering ways to remove the YouTube Shadowban. Make sure to read about it below.

What is a YouTube Shadowbanned?

Shadowbanning refers to a platform limiting your social account's overall reach, leading to a massive decrease in engagement across the board.If you're noticing a massive decrease in your overall views on YouTube, you could be suffering from a Youtube Shadowban.

One of the most aggravating parts of a shadowban for content creators is that there are no notifications of shadowbanning. Your account simply gets shadowbanned. The only way creators are able to determine if they've been shadowbanned (and not simply suffering a decrease in engagement for normal reasons) is by conducting a Hashtag/Keyword Search Test for Content.

Hashtag/Keyword Search Test:

Trying to check to see if you have been shadowbanned on Youtube? Try conducting a Hashtag/Keyword research test. The test goes as follows:

  1. Post a new piece of content with an extremely specific set of keywords/hashtags, so there is minimal competition for content rankings.
  2. Have a separate account (that is NOT following/subscribing to your account) search for the content.
  3. If the Content is not visible, then you have been shadowbanned on YouTube
    • If your Content is visible, then your channel is simply suffering from a decrease engagement. This could be happening for a number of reasons.

Why Did My Channel Get YouTube Shadowbanned?

Shadowbanning has been around for a long time and is practiced on almost all websites and social media platforms to ensure its user's a safe space. This is why YouTube regularly makes changes in its algorithms that automatically blocks channels violating their community guidelines. Another reason for you being shadowbanned could be that you were reported by people that did not like your content!

In 2020, YouTube faced backlash for shadowbanning one of its most prominent creators, PewDiePie. His followers assumed he was shadowbanned and reported that they were unable to access his channel or see any recent videos uploaded by him on YouTube.

However, PewDiePie wasn't the only one to face its wrath in 2020! A YouTuber, Legacy Studio, in his video from June 2020 titled- 'My Channel is being shadowbanned! This could happen to you', says that "Because I do things like say Hey GOD BLESS YOU GUYS or I talk about my faith or about how God has blessed this YouTube channel. Because of my religious activities, there may be a chance that YouTube may be blocking my videos from getting out there further."

Another YouTuber named GoldMine in his video from October 2020 titled 'YouTube Shadow Banned me' says, "Your account and channel still exists but the discoverability of the channel is practically non-existent."

So, if the ban on your YouTube channel is not lifted, there are chances of it being demonetized and could leave a severe dent on your livelihood

How Do i Fix Shadowban on Youtube?


This is the first thing you must do! Open up YouTube help by clicking here-   and continue to click on the triple bar symbol.

youtube shadowban

  • Once you opened it up, click on 'Submit Feedback' and then click on the "General Help Centre Experience" to send a personal message.

youtube shadowban

  • Now, you will be asked to add a screenshot of the issue and give a clear description of the problem you are facing. Fill out both these details.

youtube shadowban

You will receive a mail-in due time from one of the support staff of YouTube.


There are over 73% of adults in the United States using YouTube currently. So to safeguard the interests of all those that use it to view or produce content, YouTube enforces community guidelines. These guidelines are a set of rules and branch into categories like harmful or dangerous content, Copyright, Child safety, etc.

The YouTube Policy guidelines get updated regularly as the requirement arises so you must ensure to keep yourself updated with them!


Give yourself time to go through your old videos and find out what could have violated YouTubes community guidelines. You could include multiple people in this process to gain more insights! Go back to researching and ask your audience what they want to see via your YouTube community option or through social media.

Once you are satisfied with your research start subtly tweaking your content to get on YouTube's good side.


Your videos may not be garnering the regular amount of views but you must not shy away from uploading videos regularly. Keep in mind that these videos should have the changes as per YouTube community guidelines. The platform and its people will eventually come to accept the content and lift your shadowban.


If you possess fully functional social media pages, you should consider putting the word out there. Simple stories or posts that talk about clicking the link in your bio about the new video can do wonders. If you have other channels, then you should think about cross-promoting!

Wrapping up

In conclusion, you must not stop uploading content even if you are not garnering enough views. The shadowban will eventually lift, but in the meantime, you must focus on tweaking the content you upload as per YouTube community guidelines.

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Author Bio:

Akash Tripathi is a Content Marketing Manager at Top Mobile Tech . It is a blog where I cover all the tips & tricks related to Mobile and more related to tech. Stay connected to the rest of the world with Top Mobile Tech. We bring the latest and critical news to your mobile and computer devices.

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Am I Shadowbanned On Youtube


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