
Music Video Editing Premiere Pro

Learn how to create these 5 super simple and easy music video effects in this Adobe Premiere Pro tutorial.

Music Video Effects

We all love some cinematic music videos, but what about those music videos packed with awesome effects?! Of course we love those as well! It's always nice to see effects that aren't overused or commonly known. So we decided that this weak we wanted to share 5 awesome effects that will enhance your music video.

Lip Syncing Speed

Whenever you are shooting a music video and the artist has to perform in it, he or she has to lip sync with the music. Which is logical of course, but how can we make that cooler? Well we can take specific sections of the music and change it's speed. We can slow it down, speed it up or even reverse it. The artist than has to perform on that same speed. This is not that difficult except for the reversed part, you will probably need to practice that a lot!

Once you've recorded that you just place that in Premiere Pro and match the speeds back to the original music. Now this effect becomes whey more awesome when you're adding extra elements to it like for instance a fast going element in your shot or something that should be in slow motion like for instance water falling down. When you reverse a lyric, also try to add an element in your shot that will look cool whenever it's reversed.

Rapper View Effect
Rapper View Effect

Rappers Delight

You've probably seen it a thousand times already, the typical rap video where the camera is super low to the ground, almost looking like it's beneath the artists feet. Sounds quite impossible but here's a super easy trick to pull something off like that.

Just find an object or location where you can stand on, place your camera in front of it and place your heels on the edge of the object (for instance a box). Your toes are now standing over the camera lens, which will make it look like you're actually standing on the camera, if you now look down or bow down a bit it will create the typical rap view effect.

Another effect is the seamless cut effect and this is actually something that you can be super creative with. Basically you need a character or element on screen that's always framed exactly the same. All the rest in the shot can be altered. If you now cut this to the beat it will create seamless cuts. You can also use this with a choreography, making it a bit more dynamic. There are almost no limitations with this effect!

Graffiti Wall Effect
Graffiti Wall Effect

Next we can create awesome effects with lights. Most people probably don't have film lights but you can actually take any light you have available. Just play with those lights and place them around your subject, this will create a fun effect where the shadow of the subject jumps around. Once again this is something that has no limitations, you can play around with colors, different types of lights, …

And a final effect is once again a super customizable one, we created a animated graffiti wall. Just a stock clip, two Premiere Pro effects and BAM! Super simple and you can play around with this to create whatever you want. If you love animating in either Premiere or After Effects you can make animations with graffiti or other visuals to the beat of the music.

Want to learn even more?

If you want to learn more about video editing in Premiere Pro, creating effects in After Effects or just basic camera framing then have a look at our dedicated Skillshare classes. We're proud to say that we're among the top teachers on Skillshare and have tons of great reviews. We try to make our classes fun but educational. We get straight to the point and don't go over all the boring stuff. The first two months on Skillshare are completely free. So no more excuses to start learning whatever you want!

Music Video Editing Premiere Pro


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