Late you can't pass by a newspaper box seat, a blog, or a television screen without catching reference of New York Repp. Anthony Weiner, who is accused of sending a picture of his crotch via Twitter to a college student in Washington country. Weiner claims his Twitter account was hacked and that IT's all an elaborate prank supported a unfit pun, but now "isn't sure" if the lewd photograph is of his own valet bits or non.
Image: Courtesy of Wonkette
The Infamous "Cisco Fatty"
Few things are greater than scoring a new lin. It's a campaign to celebrate and tell every your Twitter friends! Just don't insult your future employer–peculiarly if it's a tech company with rudimentary Web lookup skills.
Twitter user "theconnor" posted this update: "Lake herring just offered me a job! Forthwith I have to weigh the utility of a fatty payroll check against the time unit commute to San Jose and hating the work."
Which was then discovered by Tim Levad, a "television channel mate counselor" for Cisco Alert: "Who is the hiring manager. I'm sure they would love to know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the vane."
Whoops. Well, at to the lowest degree the "Cisco Fatty" got its 15 minutes of meme.
Image: Courtesy of DailyBits
The United States Secret Service Hates Fox News
Fox News isn't known for its tactfulness or unbiased reporting, and the news meshing's breed of inclined intelligence often raises the ire of the unexclusive–even the U.S. USSS. An employee with admittance to the Hush-hush Avail's Twitter account, rational that they were tweeting on their personal bill, chided Fox with this beaut: "Had to monitor Fox for a story. Give notice't. Deal. With. The. Blathering."
The Secret Serving issued an apology statement, but really, wasn't that unnamed employee just saying what we were all thinking?
Image: Courtesy of CNN
Courtney Know in General
Mistakes are mistakes–like drunken, thoughtless tweets in the teensy Old hours–only consistent flubs can get you into very much of sound trouble. Incase in point: Courtney Love's foulmouthed Twitter substance abuse. Love late settled a suit for $430,000 to clothes designer Dawn Simorangkir for calling her a "nasty, lying, hosebag thief" and accusing her of committing "assault and burglary" on Chitter.
She's now in even more unhinge for slandering a lawyer along Twitter that she hired to find "stolen" money from Kurt Cobain's estate. Though it's no serious shocker that Courtney Love is behaving clownishly and getting into highly public legal ail, her tweets should be a lesson to those lacking in the soul-control section.
Image: Good manners of Clientele Insider
The death of a child is devastating–but for the great unwashe like Shellie Ross, WHO simply can't break the habit-forming nature of constant Twitter updates, it's just another opportunity to broadcast. Just 34 minutes after Ross's 2-year-early son was found in the bottom of her backyard consortium, Ross tweeted: "Please pray like ne'er before, my 2 yr old fell in the pool." Fin hours subsequently her Son was pronounced absolute, Ross tweeted over again–"Memory my million-dollar baby"–and included a photograph of her male child.
This is a case that warrants thoughtful suspensio: Just how important are our tweets, and why aren't we arcsecond-guessing some of the stuff we douse there?
Image of Multiple sclerosis. Ross: Good manners ofThe Empire State Post
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